The Town of Dewey Beach became a municipality in 1981. It has a Town Council/Town Manager
form of Government, The five commissioners are elected to two-year terms and they appoint
the Mayor who must be a year-round resident. Monthly council meetings are usually held on
the second Saturday of every month at 9AM, except that from June through September the
meetings occur on the second Friday at 7PM of each month.
Annual municipal elections are held on the third Saturday in September.
The Town Hall located at 105 Rodney Avenue, is open from
9AM to
5PM Monday through Friday.
Phone Numbers
Town Hall - 302-227-6363
Toll Free 877-
Fax - 302-227-6164
Police Department -
Emergencies - 911
General Rules and Regulations and Beach Regulations
season rules are in effect from May 15 to September 15.
No one is allowed on the beach between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00
No sleeping is allowed in vehicles or other public places -
including the beach.
Surf Fishing is prohibited during the hours
of 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when within 100 feet of bathers. (Summer
Curfew For Minors Enforcing the Town Curfew Code for Minors: Anyone under the age of 18, and not coming or going from work, who is in any public space between 11pm to 5am the following day, or 12 midnight to 5am Friday and Saturday, will be in violation of the town's curfew code and may be issued a summons and fined $100.00.
Underage Consumption of Alcohol Enforcing the Town Underage Consumption of Alcohol Code: Anyone under the age of 21 consuming or possessing alcohol shall be issued a summons and fined $100.00.
Disorderly Houses are prohibited.
Convictions may lead to a tenant's eviction and the owner could be
subject to the loss of his Rental License. To report a disorderly house
or noise emanating from a commercial establisment,
call the
Dewey Beach Police Department at 227-1110.
Occupancy Limits are 2 persons per
bedroom plus a maximun of 2 additional persons are allowed in a general
living area.
DOGS must have a Dewey Beach Dog
License. Licenses may be obtained at Town Hall at a one time cost of
3-Day Temporary License Each: $5.00
8-Day Temporary License Each: $10.00
Souvenir Tag & Lifetime License Each: $52.00 ($2 Shipping & Handling Fee)
Lifetime License Each: $37.00 ($2 Shipping & Handling Fee) and are good for the life of the dog.
Dogs are not allowed on the beach from 9:30AM to 5:30PM May 15 to September 15.
September 16 to May 14 dogs are allowed anytime but need a Dewey Beach dog license.
While dogs may be unleashed, they must remain under the control of their owner. Dogs are not permitted to run at large.
Be aware that many dogs may be playing off leash on the beach. Know your dog and their limits, and respect other dogs and their owners. All visitors deserve to enjoy the beach safely.
Dogs must be under the control of an individual and
that individual must have a device to clean up the dog's droppings
(Year-Round). Bags are available for your convenience at each dune entrance.
The town requires a $50.00 Permit plus a 100.00 Security Deposit for non property owners(This $150.00 must be in the form of cash!)
For additional information go to Town of Dewey Beach
Volleyball play will be permitted only
in area and at times as designated by the town.
Littering is prohibited within the Town Limits.
No commercial
activity is allowed on the beach or public streets unless approved by
the town.
The beach is closed to the public from 1AM to 5AM. (Summer Season).
Vehicles are not allowed on the beach (Summer Season).
the off season, if properly tagged, vehicles are allowed on the beach
for fishing purposes only.
Building permits are required on all construction activities.
Boating/Beach Ordinances
a. Motorized boats, including but not limited to watercraft described as boats with propeller driven motors, jetskis, personal watercraft propelled by mechanized water propulsion of systems, and/or sailboats with auxiliary motors, whether such motors or propulsion devices are engaged or not engaged, are prohibited from being launched or landed from any ocean beach areas during the summer season.
b. No person shall keep, anchor, maintain, or permit any boat owned or operated by him to be kept, anchored or maintained on any public owned beach within the Town of Dewey Beach between the hours of 10:00AM and 5:00PM during the summer season without the previous written consent of the Commissioners of Dewey Beach.
c. No person shall launch, land or permit any boat owned or operated by him to be launched, or landed on or from the beach or strand of the Town between the hours of 10:00AM and 5:00PM during the summer season.
No vehicles shall be driven on the beach during the summer season.
Between the hours of 11:00AM and 3:00PM on weekends and holidays, all
sports activities involving airborne objects other than volleyball and
sports activities involving adults or teenagers over the age of 13 shall
be prohibited.
No person shall use a surfboard or skimboard, or any other type of water
sport device that is constructed with non-flexible material within 100
feet of bathers. Between the hours of 11:00AM and 3:00PM on weekends and
holidays the use of these devices shall also be prohibited.
The Captain of the Dewey Beach Patrol is hereby authorized to exercise
his reasonable discretion to determine and declare the beach and surf
area within the Town of Dewey Beach closed for reasons of unsafe
weather, tide, surf, or any other hazard or unsafe condition determined
by the captain. The term captain as used herein shall also include a
deputy or acting captain as determined by the captain of Dewey Beach
The above rules are from the town of Dewey
Beach. I have done my best to place them correctly. We are not
responsible for errors this may contain on our behalf or on behalf of
the town. This page is to inform only. Any questions about any of the
above should be directed to the Town Hall.
Rodney Dunes Pier 12 Apartments
12 Rodney Ave. Dewey Beach, Delaware
Office 302-270-2894 or 302-227-0938 | Reservations
302-270-2894 or 302-227-0938 or
Dell and Larry Tush, Owners/Managers
Web page designed and created by Dell
Copyright, all rights
No parts of this website may be copied or reproduced
without the written consent of the owner